How to Roast Peanuts in Oven | Kitchen Basics

4:46 PM

roast peanuts in oven
This is not any recipe in particular, just a technique of roasting peanuts in the oven. It is really a quick and hassle free method as compared to roasting in a wok on stove top, where it has to to be constantly monitored and stirred throughout to ensure even roasting. Do look below this method of roasting...

How to Roast Peanuts in Oven

Raw shelled peanuts

Preheat the oven to 350F or 180C

Place the peanuts on the oven tray, remember not to overcrowd, it should be in a single layer

Put the tray in the centre rack of the oven and roast for 20-25 minutes. Stir atleast twice during the process

Depending on the internal temperature, the time may vary for few minutes. Keep a check on it

Once they smell peanutty and roasted, remove and keep aside to cool

You may just rub between your hands to remove the outer cover

Sprinkle some salt and munch or use in your recipes
that's the whole tray before roasting

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