Blueberry Cupcake with Blueberry Preserve Glaze
7:56 PM
I'm really fascinated by her photography skills, her recipes and her style of writing. As the name of her blog reads, you will find loads of yummy traditional dishes from Kerala and yes, loads of dishes from around the world too. Today she shares with us a yummy Blueberry cupcake with blueberry preserve glaze. Do scroll down what she has to say and the recipe for this yummy treat....
Thank you so much for inviting me over to this lovely blog. I am really honored to share your space. I have never met you but take great pride in
having such awesome virtual friends like you who have the courage to
raise your voice on social issues. Speak about it, take your time
to fight for it. I believe a revolution always begins with one person's
step for a good cause. So Razina please keep that fire burning
always. My best wishes to you and the blog in the days to come.
Hello lovely readers,
This is Meena Kumar from elephants and the coconut trees .
A space where I share my food and thoughts. I am a Keralite, presently
living in US with my husband and teen. I am a foodie by choice ready to
try any kind of cuisine. I love cakes but the old fashioned, rustic
looking ones.I prefer glaze to thick layer frosting. Hope you will enjoy
making this cake everything from scratch starting with preserve.
I have
used sour cream here and reduced butter and egg.The result is light
moist and super fluffy cupcake that simply melts in the mouth.The
cupcake is sweet and slightly tart from the berries.In one word I can
say it is delicious !
I know a few squiggly lines would have looked pretty when I see the pics I feel I could have done a good job with the glaze.
Ingredients: (makes just 6 cupcakes:))
All purpose flour- 1 1/2 cupEgg- 1
Sour cream - 3/4 th-1 cup (thick yogurt, not so sour is fine)
Butter - 1 tbsp
Baking powder- 1 tsp
Sugar- 1/2 cup
Vanilla essence- 1 tsp
Blueberries -1/2 cup + few for decoration
Blueberry preserve/ Jam- 4 tbsp (Homemade)(recipe below)
Icing sugar - as required
Whipping cream - as required
the butter and sugar together and add the whisked egg, vanilla essence
and well beaten sour cream.Fold in the flour mixture mix gently until
there are no lumps only.
Line a muffin tin with liners scoop the batter into it and drop few blueberries into each portion equally.
Bake at 350 ° F in a preheated oven for 20 -22 minutes until cake skewer comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack.
the cupcake reaches room temp smear half the preserve on top of the
cupcake.(It helps everything to stick together). Then mix the rest of the
preserve with one tbsp of icing sugar add more if you need a lighter
color add whipping cream to thin it out a little bit (1-2 tsps ) apply
on top of the preserve and decorate with blue berries.
Blueberry preserve:(just enough for the cupcakes)
You could add gelatin to thic towards the end but I prefer not to.I love making preserves Nectarine and apple jam was my earlier attempt.
Thank you for giving me an opportunity Razina.Hope your readers enjoyed the virtual treat.
You can reach me through FACEBOOK and PINTEREST
Thanks dear once again for adorning my space with such a beauty!!!!
Dear readers, if you too want to do a guest post on my page, please do write to me at
Thanks dear once again for adorning my space with such a beauty!!!!
Dear readers, if you too want to do a guest post on my page, please do write to me at